July 13 2024
Congratulations to Keith Connolly [St Paul], your 2024 Aquatennial Sectional Tournament Champion!  Keith earned 8.73 masterpoints on the final day of the tournament (and 32.28 over the four day event), to come in tops in what was a very tough (and as always, competitive) crowd.  This is the 1st time Keith has topped the leaderboard as an Aquatennial Sectional Tournament Champion, joining a list of some very impressive players (see the list of previous champions to your right).  

  While on the topic of impressive, the turnout for this year's Aquatennial Sectional over at the Bridge Center of St Paul's Roseville location finished up with a table count of 201.5.  That is pretty much in line with both the post-COVID world of the Aquatennial Sectional as well as overall tables in the past 20 years.  (The 20-year average table count for this tournament is 51.68 tables per day.) The chart to your left shows how this year's tournament's tables per day stacks up compared to the past 20 years of the Aquatennial.

July 12 2024
There's just one day yet to go at the Aquatennial Sectional in Roseville; and the quest for the title of Tournament Champion is coming down to the last session tomorrow.  Bob Balderson [Eden Prairie] has the lead through three days; will he hang on to win his third Aquatennial crown?  Or will Terry Beckman [Brooklyn Park] who's tied for 2nd right now come back to win his fourth such title?  Or will we have someone completely new to list on the trophy!?

Stay tuned.  We will know tomorrow evening.  For now - you can check out the Top 20 masterpoint leaders (so far) on the right.

(H/T: Kim)

July 12 2024
Everyone's time is valuable - and consequently, mentoring isn't for everyone.  (Although maybe it should be.)  And working hard to educate students of the game through classes and chat bridge is hard work.  It requires volunteerism and sacrifice - plus there's no guarantee that novice players will stick with it.  But that may be the only way to get a payoff (now and down the road).

The Aquatennial Sectional tournament underway is seeing terrific crowds - that's great news of course.  But there is work to do with the Non-Life Master players, where this year's NLM tables are the smallest part of the tournament's bridge crowd in at least 15 years.  The chart to the right shows the percentage of NLM tables compared to the total tournament tables for the first three days of the Aquatennial since 2009.  The trend is not tough to spot; but this is a trend that can (read: must) be reversed at some point.  (Of course this issue is not limited to this tournament alone.)

Get involved with your local club's mentor/mentee program - or work with your Unit to create I/N events that have that party atmosphere.  It can be done - here's one example:  Unit 103's NAP Flight "C" efforts this year have produced 32.5 Flight "C" tables so far this summer.  That's an increase of +140.7% from last year at this time (when there were 13.5 Flight "C" tables in play).  Will this translate to greater NAP Flight "C" participation down the road?  Maybe.  But without this effort, the answer to that question would be an easy "no".  Do what you can for our beginner players - encourage I/N players when you see them at the table - and if nothing else, maybe make a tax-deductible contribution to the Minnesota Education Fund (our local group that does such fantastic work).  We're all in it together.

July 11 2024
One of the fastest growing groups in bridge is mid-flight players.  That includes Minnesota's bridge players of course, and next week the ACBL Board of Directors will entertain motions to encourage mid-flight players to get involved in the North American Pairs and Grand National Teams.

At the NABC in Toronto next week, the BOD meets and will vote on motions 2 and 3, which establish new categories for competition in the NAP and GNT.  These new masterpoint categories will be as follows:
    UNLIMITED ("Open")
    0-6000 (Flight "A")
    0-3500 (Flight "B")
    0-750 (Flight "C")
The increase in flight B and C masterpoint levels is to try and increase player particiation.  These motions have been submitted by Dennis Carman [Chicago], who is our Region 5 President.  When the votes gets taken, you'll see the results here (the BOD report is not public until after the conclusion of their meetings on the 17th).  NOTE that the new categories would be in effect for this coming year's GNT program, but would not be enacted for the NAP until June 1, 2025.  If you'd like to read the motions for yourself, click here or on the image to your upper right.

July 10 2024
Day 1 at the Aquatennial Sectional in Roseville had a terrific turnout - 55 tables on day 1.  That's the highest number of tables for the first day of the Aquatennial in the post-COVID era.  You can check out the scores and results of today's action by clicking here.

But there always seems to be one bad board in a good game, and today's crowd - while impressive - does have one thing to keep an eye on.  Today's action included 7.5 I/N tables, which is the lowest turnout of I/N players since 2013 on day 1 of this tournament.  The I/N tables today accounted for 12.0% of the opening day tables in Roseville, and that is the lowest percentage of I/N participation in the overall table count on day 1 over the past 15 years.  There's plenty of this tournament yet to go (the schedule is here if you aren't already booked) - but hopefully we will see an uptick in these I/N players later this week as they are our future.

July 10 2024
Kicking off today and operating through Saturday, it's Unit 178's Aquatennial Tournament.  For the first time, it's being held across the river in St Paul, and prior to the COVID shutdown, this tournament was five days long.  (It also has been known to have included an evening session or two.)  Because it has varied over the years between three and five days in length, it might be better to look at the tables per day of the tournament rather than just total tables.  That's the chart below in green.  Tables per day of the Aquatennial have been remarkably steady over the past 15 years (NOTE that we're using the "Summer Sizzlin" Sectional in 2022 for comparison purposes here, as it was the only summer Unit 178 tournament that year).

When looking at the I/N tables per day of the tournament (when those I/N games have been offered), there has been a bit of a dropoff since the pre-COVID years - but hopefully that will turn around starting this week.


July 9 2024
When heading up to the lake this summer, don't forget to check around for a bridge game or two!  Here is a look at this morning's crowd bidding slams and setting contracts up at Detroit Lakes:

July 8 2024
These "Royal STaCs" are not just for the bridge royalty in Minnesota - they're for everyone.  Both the Bridge Center of St Paul's Sunday mentor/mentee game, along with Rochester's mentor/mentee game on Tuesday were part of this month's Royal STaC.  That means Minnesota bridge players with very few masterpoints have a terrific opportunity to get some multi-pigmented points when these STaCs take place.  Just ask Arthur Boylan [Edina], who came into the month with less than 15 masterpoints. . .but scored 2.55 multi-pigmented points in St Paul's mentor/mentee game Sunday with his partner, Larry McIntyre [St Paul].  Mentor/mentee games are a great way to learn bridge from the mentee side - and a terrific way to give back as well as expand our pool of players from the mentor side.  Check with the Bridge Center of St Paul or Rochester if you'd like to play in one of these, and if your club doesn't run one, ask them about it.

July 7 2024
With the 4th of July in the rearview mirror, summer (and summer activities) is about to kick into gear.  Although the official Minneapolis Aquatennial won't get going until July 24th, you can get into the spirit of summer by playing in this week's Unit 178 Aquatennial Sectional Tournament.  For 2024, the tournament is being held this year over at the Bridge Center of St Paul's Roseville location starting on Wednesday.  The flyer is just to your right (click on it to enlarge and view in a new window).  Friday's charity games are for extra masterpoints, and all donations (Friday and throughout the four-day tournament) will benefit Second Harvest.  And talk about the weather cooperating for this bridge-o-rama!  The weather forecast inside is for air-conditioned comfort with scattered singletons and voids, but no chance of mosquitoes.  Perfect for playing cards.   

July 7 2024
    Believe it or not, you're well into the second half of 2024.  With six months of earning masterpoints down, and just six months to go for our local masterpoint races, you may hope to be in contention.  We just got the ACBL's data for Units 103 and 178, and it's posted below.  Records here are through June 30th, and include Mini-McKenneys, the Ace of Clubs, the Virtual Ace of Clubs, the Barry Crane 500 Race, the YTD masterpoint leaders, all-time Unit leaders, etc., etc.  Click on either of the images to your left to open that file in a new window - see if you're in the top 5 of any category - and then start catching up at your local club!

July 6 2024
EDGAR is the ACBL's computer program being used to detect players who appear to be cheating.  Here is the latest on the ACBL's efforts to update the Code of Disciplinary Regulations (CDR) and help protect the game that we love, as related by Jonathan Steinberg:
    "As is often the case with system rollouts, some unforeseen issues and lessons learned from the initial EDGAR roll-out resulted in a need to update the CDR.  Several informal meetings were held and attended by both Board Members and Management where concerns were voiced and solutions agreed upon.  This process culminated in a formal May 8 Special BOD Meeting, when a number of revisions to the Code of Disciplinary Regulations (CDR) were approved.   The key changes to the CDR include:
         • Discipline is now based on each player’s Masterpoint® (MP) holding.
         • Only Unit/District Officers (Pres., VP, Sec’y, Treasurer, District Recorder) will be subjected to “Heightened Scrutiny” (HS) and the stronger penalties that accompany it.  In the Feb 2, 2024, CDR, all Unit/District BOD members were already included in HS.
        • Players subject to Fast Track Discipline (FTD) will be prohibited from playing with the partner(s) they cheated with during their probation.
        • Players who cheated with multiple partners will get lengthier suspensions than those who only cheated with one.
        • Pairs who have previously been found responsible for a first-degree ethical violation (collusive cheating) will be given a Suspension Pending Hearing if identified by EDGAR as cheating again.

    On May 8, we also voted to:
         • Retroactively modify discipline for players who would have received FTD discipline but could not because of their partner’s MP level—in the previous version of the CDR, players’ disciplines were adjusted based on their partner’s status (e.g., more Masterpoints, subject to HS) that made that partner ineligible for FTD.  This was approved to be consistent with the disciplines that will be given moving forward.
         • Allow players on suspension to perform volunteer work for the Unit or District.  This will not allow anything prohibited for “Members Not in Good Standing,” such as serving on a Board or being present during a tournament or club game.  It will allow activities such as: scheduling, making flyers, reviewing and editing documents, helping off-site with hospitality planning and preparation, and helping repair of equipment.  This may help keep them engaged with the bridge community, especially for those receiving short suspensions (e.g., 3-6 months) and short probations (e.g., 6-12 months).

    Finally, we made the following agreements with Management/Office of the National Recorder (ONR):
        • We will continue to screen from 2020-on.
        • While those players/pairs identified as “Red” by EDGAR are deemed to be cheating “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt,” a “Yellow” assessment from EDGAR means they are “very likely cheating.”  All “Reds” must be charged.
         • “Yellow” pairs must be fully investigated by the ONR.
        • “Stripe” is an indication of possible asymmetrical cheating.  If one player is identified as “Red,” they must be charged.  The ONR is required to investigate the partner to determine whether they were complicit.  If the charge is determined to be collusive cheating, the ONR must charge the partner as well.
         • Completion of the Ethics Certification and signing the Fair Play Pledge, formerly required of all who received FTD, will now be required for all those who agree to a Negotiation Resolution."

July 6 2024
   LATEST UPDATE:  Monday morning.  One game (Saturday morning's at the Bridge Center of St Paul) has not yet been thrown into the ACBL hopper, but your list to the left details the 230 Minnesota players who earned some multi-pigmented points in this weeks STaC.  Also on the left is your "top 15", which includes the undisputed King of the Royal STaC - that's Steve Gaynor [Inver Grove Heights] who picked up 15.41 masterpoints this week.  (That's 3.85 of every color.)  For the overall awards for each individual daypart through the week, click here.

July 4 2024
That's John Miller [Rochester] and Jerry Rosenblad [Stewartville] at the bridge table with a bit of the red, white, and blue on the left, and Marilyn Wilson [Rochester] along with Carol Fangman [Rochester] celebrating the 4th on the right.

June 30 2024
The next seven days, you can earn sectionally-rated masterpoints that will be 25% each of gold/red/silver/black.  Check the calendar below for the games here in Minnesota that will be run as Royal STaC games this week, get a partner, and start earning those MPs!  While there are no Unit 178 clubs participating in this Royal STaC (see UPDATE below*), remember that you do not need to be a member of Unit 103 to play in one of Unit 103's Royal STaC games and earn multi-pigmented masterpoints - all are welcome.  So for this week, the only location in the Twin Cities Metro area that is holding these Royal STaC games would be the good people at the Bridge Center of St Paul - who are also open for business on the 4th of July, if you're looking for some fireworks at the table on Thursday.

UPDATE:  *Tony Ames [Minnetonka] is running these STaC games this week at the Dance Studio (the Edina Senior Center is closed this week) - but signing up each game within 18 hours of the game in question - so 178's clubs are represented (just not advertised early).  Better late than never with this kind of thing, for sure.  With the Edina Senior Center closed, no Wednesday game there; look for the Bridge Center of St Paul's Wednesday game to be converted from a 2999er to Open for this STaC week.

June 30 2024
It's the list of NAP Qualifiers in Minnesota through the first month of June.  Click on the image below to see where you are on the list (and whether or not you've qualified for the A B or C flights).  Not on the list?  No worries - you've got two more months to play in a NAP Qualifying game at your local club and be "part of the action".

June 30 2024
June features both The Longest Day fundraisers along with the start of the North American Pairs qualifying - two special events that help those clubs that hold them goose their table counts.  Even though not all Minnesota clubs choose to hold these games, and even though every June has the same bonus games available, Minnesota's club face-to-face club tables are still on the rise compared to twelve months ago.

Since the great re-opening in 2021, monthly June tables in the state keep growing - despite the graduations, the nicer weather, wedding season, golf and tennis weather, etc., etc.  (This year there were 916 face-to-face tables this month!)  NOTE that in 2021, not all clubs were holding face-to-face games yet (many club games were online-only); and the rate of increase this month from June of 2023 is not bad at all (at +7.0%).

June 30 2024
38 Minnesota players (38!) have achieved the next masterpoint milestone (or rank achievement) this past month.  Here is a look at the latest list of your local players - be sure to congratulate them when you see them at the bridge table!
    SAPPHIRE LIFE MASTER - Dennis Cerkvenik [Minnetonka]
    GOLD LIFE MASTER - Mark Lasoff [Minneapolis]
    SILVER LIFE MASTER - Charles Moser [Garrison], Arne Langsetmo [Robbinsdale]
          Bill Seifert [Minneapolis], Ron Smith [Burnsville]
    BRONZE LIFE MASTER - Linda Enrooth [St Paul], Joyce Solberg [Roseville]
          William Boline [Minneapolis], Ruth Bruenelle [St Louis Park]
          Reid Shaw [Wayzata]
    LIFE MASTER - Tim Bina [Minneapolis], Linda Enrooth [St Paul]
          Ruth Brunelle [St Louis Park], Bill Seifert [Minneapolis]
          Jackson Wahl [Minneapolis]

    ADVANCED NABC MASTER - Marcia Figus [Shoreview], Monty Martin [Maplewood]
    NABC MASTER - John Bumbalough [Henderson], Joe Carter [Eagan]
          Saundra Fedor [Waite Park], Donna Paulsen [Northfield]
          Pam Leese [Edina]
    REGIONAL MASTER - Laura Olson [Detroit Lakes], Mark Tafel [St Paul]
          Charlie Koch [Golden Valley]
    SECTIONAL MASTER - Bradley Anderson [Northfield], James Benedict [Callaway]
          Aspi Irani [St Paul], Ellen Kluz [Minneapolis]
    CLUB MASTER - Gloria Dale [Woodbury], Linus Bendel-Stenzel [Edina]
          Ron Harry [Minneapolis]
    JUNIOR MASTER - Win Anderson [St Cloud], Brian-Paul Crowder [Little Falls]
          Jane Matthews [Sartell], Richard Matthews [Sartell]
          Shannon Quinlivan [St Cloud], Alex Warzecha [St Cloud]
          Chip Alberg [Minneapolis], Thea Keamy [Minneapolis]

June 30 2024
Unit 178 held their annual elections this month, and your new officers have been elected this week.  These volunteers are:
    President Sue Sanger [St Louis Park]
    VP Teri Blu [Bloomington]
    Secretary Jane Schmidt [St Paul]
    Treasurer Vicky Smith [Minnetonka]
As always, thanks to these volunteers for the efforts they are making to keep bridge going for all of us!

June 29 2024
We are one month into the three-month club qualifying period for the North American Pairs, and the news is all good for Minnesota clubs and players.  The number of NAP tables in Minnesota clubs this month is up +32.7% for the state compared to June of last year.  Unit 103 saw 207 NAP tables this month (up +41.0%) and Unit 178 saw 71.5 NAP tables in June (+13.5%).  Leading the way in opportunities for players were three Unit 103 clubs, with Rochester holding 66 NAP tables in June, St Cloud with 50.5 tables and the Bridge Center of St Paul holding 50 NAP tables this month.  Unit 178 was dominated by the Plymouth Bridge Club who held 43.5 NAP tables the past four weeks.

A LOT of Minnesota players have qualified to go on in the competition as well - during this first of three months of the NAP, a total of 384 Minnesota players have qualified to go on to the Unit and District competition.  (That's 241 Unit 103 players and 143 Unit 178 players).  Of those 384 players that have qualified, 171 of them are Flight "C" players - which is awesome.  We will see what July brings (and don't forget about the big party in September for those who have qualified)!


June 29 2024
Steve Gaynor [Inver Grove Heights] provides some suggested responses for when the opponent at your table interferes with your auction.  Steve says:
    "Negative doubles are used when the opponents interfere with your auction and make it difficult to bid your suits without misleading partner about your HCP or length of your best suits.  The player using the negative double usually has at least two places to comfortably play the hand with an emphasis on unbid majors.  Take this quiz with your favorite partner(s).  Discuss your responses and come to agreements.  The suggested responses are based on the most common treatments among experienced Standard American partnerships.  Of course you may play anything you want, but these seem to work the best in the long run."
Click on the image below to check out eight examples of hands and how you might respond with them when your partner opens - and your RHO wants to get in the way.

June 28 2024
While you are away at the lake this summer, feel free to support one of Minnesota's non-sanctioned bridge games.  Although they don't pay masterpoints, the players are generally quite friendly (and happy to have you drop in) - it's a good way to keep your bridge habit skills going while away from home - and there are many ACBL members that already play in them.  PLUS - it's duplicate bridge.

Here are just a few of the places that play non-sanctioned duplicate bridge games on a regular basis:
    Austin (Austin Senior Center)  Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 11:30am
    507-437-2750    400 3rd Avenue NE Austin MN 55912

    Winona (East Recreation Center)  Mondays and Thursdays
    507-453-1633     210 Zumbro Street Winona MN 55987

    Park Rapids (Park Rapids Senior Center)  Thursdays 12:30pm
    218-732-3137     102 2nd Street Park Rapids MN 56470

    Bemidji (Bemidji Eagles Club)  Tuesdays 12:30pm
    507-453-1633     1270 Nielson Avenue SE Bemidji MN 56601

    Pipestone (Pipestone Country Club) - Ladies Bridge  Fridays
    507-825-2592     1003 8th Avenue SE Pipestone MN 56164
This is not an exhaustive list by any means - but a little checking around wherever you are spending some time this summer and you'll have no problem getting your duplicate bridge fix.

June 28 2024
Don't forget to check out the Minnesota Documents page on this website, which includes all kinds of information about Units 103 and 178.  This includes their meeting minutes, where you can investigate what your Unit Boards are discussing and how they are planning to help keep bridge moving forward in our state.  Just as soon as the latest Board minutes for each Unit are approved and published, they'll be available on this site.

June 27 2024
Table talk is generally frowned upon at the bridge table - unless it's during a "chat bridge" session.  When you're playing cards at the lake this summer, think about getting those party-bridge friends into the wonderful world of duplicate.  A great way to introduce them to duplicate bridge is through Chat Bridge games, where you are able to ask questions during the bidding and/or the play of the hand.  Those questions get answered by teachers of the game in a friendly and non-intimidating environment. . .it's a terrific way to get familiar with how duplicate bridge works (and find out what you should be doing with those cards you are dealt).

The Bridge Center of St Paul offers Chat Bridge each week on Thursdays; there are chat lessons from 11a to 12p, and there's a chat bridge game (which includes masterpoints!) from 12:30p to 3p.  More info on that by clicking here.  The Rochester DBC also offers Chat Bridge, there it's Monday mornings from 10a to 12p.  More info on the Rochester chat bridge can be found by clicking here.  And the crowd over in Woodbury have started a chat bridge group on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am.  You can sign up at the Woodbury club (or give them a call to let them know you are coming!).  NOTE that this is completely different from bridge lessons, which are organized by specific topics and for which you have to sign up to attend; chat bridge is the most informal (read: fun) way to learn about duplicate bridge. . .and you just show up.  Preferably with a friend or two, but if not, you'll be making a friend or two at the bridge table.

June 26 2024
Unit 178 has held its annual elections for the new year, and those volunteers who are joining the Unit 178 board include Marc Ashton [Excelsior], Teri Blu [Bloomington], Todd Flowerday [Coon Rapids], and Marylou Doerrie [Coon Rapids].  Steve Gaynor [Inver Grove Heights] and John Schlundt [Eden Prairie] are moving on.  Thanks to these volunteers who will be working hard to ensure your bridge playing activities are well planned out!

June 26 2024
The 1951 Winona Republican-Herald proudly announced that M A Goldberg and Gordon Seitz came in 1st in the men's pairs Central Minnesota Duplicate Bridge Tournament that was held in Albert Lea.  (Mrs. Zeches and Mrs. Frank Subjeck were reported to have finished third in the women's tournament.)  Wondering if their great-grandchildren play the game?  Also - Albert Lea seems overdue for another tournament.

June 25 2024
While we are talking about making your bridge plans for down the road, don't forget to save the dates of September 3-8 for Minnesota's second big Regional of the year which will take place in Rochester.  Who knows WHO will show up!  More details for this tournament can be found by clicking here.

June 25 2024
If you're looking for some fireworks at the bridge table on the 4th of July, look to St Cloud's Thursday game which is an Open game - or the Bridge Center of St Paul's Mentor game on Thursday the 4th.  NOTE that the Edina Senior Center is closed the entire week of July 1; but there is also a 4th of July game that Thursday at the Maple Grove Community Center.  Most everyone else is closed for Independence Day (although there is always your online BBO pals).  Click on any calendar above to enlarge it and open it in a new window (for viewing or printing).  A reminder that there's a Royal STaC week in July; the Aquatennial Sectional in Roseville; and more North American Pairs games (highlighted in red on the calendars above).  While there not any Unit 178 clubs that have signed up for the Royal STaC games next week, you do not need to be a member of Unit 103 to play in one of the Unit 103 STaC games (you only need to have the expectation of a good time).

June 23 2024
If you play in Minnesota bridge tournaments on a regular basis, you have perhaps noticed that these events appear to be humming along with a few more tables each year.  It's not just the appearance of well-attended tournaments like the one this past week in St Cloud, it's a fact.

Looking at all of the tournaments held in Minnesota for the first six months of this year, we've had 1,396 tournament tables; that's an increase of 16.0% over the same period one year ago.  And last year saw an increase of 30.8% in tournament tables over 2022's first six months.  Truth be told, there is still some room to grow; before COVID hit the bridge community, the same six month period in 2019 for Minnesota's tournaments had 1,800 total tables.  So here in 2024, we're just at 77.6% of that pre-COVID level. . .but five years later (after all that has happened) it's hard to argue with the direction tournament bridge is going at the moment here in Minnesota.

UPDATE:  Minnesota does not always have the same number of tournaments within a six month period, so what about the year-over-year tables per tournament?  Here also - numbers are on the rise.  For the first six months of 2022 to 2023 to this year, overall the average tables per tournament have gone from 153 to 172 to 199.  That number is a little skewed by the Gopher Regional, which packs 'em in - but even excluding the Gopher, the tables per tournament are on the rise from 69 in 2022 to 86 last year and 107 this year.