2022 Mini-McKenney Races                 2022 Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs Races   
Mini-McKenney 0-5  
Mini-McKenney 5-20  
Mini-McKenney 20-50  
Mini-McKenney 50-100  
Mini-McKenney 100-200  
Mini-McKenney 200-300  
Mini-McKenney 300-500  
Mini-McKenney 500-1000  
Mini-McKenney 1000-1500  
Mini-McKenney 1500-2500  
Mini-McKenney 2500-3500  
Mini-McKenney 3500-5000  
Mini-McKenney 5000-7500  
Mini-McKenney 7500-10000  
Mini-McKenney 10000+  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 0-5  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 5-20  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 20-50  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 50-100  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 100-200  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 200-300  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 300-500  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 500-1000  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 1000-1500  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 1500-2500  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 2500-3500  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 3500-5000  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 5000-7500  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 7500-10000  
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs 10000+  

How you're doing relative to your masterpoint holding:
"Most underrated players" in your Unit

"Most underrated pairs" in your Unit

"Most improved players" in your Unit (last six months)

"Most improved players" in your Unit (last twelve months)

"Power ranked players" in your Unit

"Power ranked pairs" in your Unit

Gail Mattson became a new Life Master at the St. Cloud Sectional on June 25th, 2022!  (She looks happy, and of course she should be!)            
Ed Prosser earned the last of his silver points needed at the Rochester Med City NLM Sectional on June 2nd to finally go "over the top" and become a new Life Master!  Ed had needed less than a silver point for some time, so of course in the one-day NLM Sectional he earned over four full silver points.            
John Ryder was looking for GOLD points, and he got them playing in the Bracketed Swiss on May 26th, 2022.  The last of his colored points needed to become a Life Master were earned at the 2022 Gopher Regional in Bloomington.