This year there are TWO opportunities for Minnesota bridge players to earn gold points in Open Regional competition!  In addition to the Gopher Regional coming up in May, the Med City Regional in Rochester will be held right after Labor Day in 2024.

This tournament at the Empire Event Center (right by Apache Mall in Rochester) will be held from September 3rd through the 8th.  It includes Soloway-style KOs and team games every day, in addition to pairs events. . .so it'll be something for everyone.

You can check out all the details by clicking on the Rochester Med City Regional homepage here.  This year we'll see you at the Gopher - and then at the Rochester tournament!

Of course, any bridge event requires volunteers, and if you'd like to help out with either putting this tournament together or during the event itself, please contact the Tournament Chair Matt Belau (medcitybridge-at-gmail-dot-com).